Just waked up like 2 hours ago, I called Enrique to go to the gym but he didn’t answered the phone, either he went to they gym earlier or he’s still sleeping. I don’t know if I should go to the gym today. I feel sore from the previous days, and I think I do …
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note to self : I need to move as soon as possible
I’m still a little bit down from yesterday depression, but anyways, feeling better. Another day, went to the gym, I was like 6 minutes late for the metro, and Enrique had to wait those minutes, I don’t want this to happen any more. Next time he tells me he’s in the process of getting ready, …
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I am depressed… I am pissed off… Why this fucking things have to happen to me ?.. Just because I’m naive and stupid people have to hurt me so bad ? Dammit … Why Luis Antonio was so mean to me? I hate it .. I’m not a bad person… I don’t deserve this.. It’s …
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Today was my first day at the gym, it was cool… I’ve always been energetic enough so it wasn’t that hard for me, although my upper torso and arms have always been very weak, like everytime I’ve been to the gym before, it’s difficult for me to really push it with that part of the …
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Seems like it’s been a long time since the last time I wrote in here.. weird, cause it’s been just hours. But I’ve done many things lately, yesterday I stayed up late talking on the phone with basically listening and trying to be somehow his psycologist, friend and shoulder where to cry. At the same …
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After yesterday’s party today I woke up kinda late, and of course it was too late to go to the gym with Enrique. Gee, what a great way to start my new endeavour that not going. Oh well, I can start tomorrow better, and I this way I won’t feel sleepy like I do today. …
Read More “Gym ?.. what gym.. + Falling again”
WWWWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!! This was one of the happiest moments of my life lately!!!… I actually saw Safri Duo perform live.. in a small disco, just steps from me.. I was so excited, dancing like a madman.. wow.. and it’s not cause I’m a fan or anything, it’s because they are part of a very special moment …
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Somehow my reaction with Peter was some sort of window to many things, I feel that since he’s my friend but he’s not “everything in my life”, I could talk and rationalize better than how I could talk with for example my ex boyfriend. When you care in an out of porportion way about someone …
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Wow… Peter’s aggresivity today was completely out of proportion. I understand that probably I made a mistake telling him that his ex told me something I can’t tell him. I understand that might have made him be extremely confused and paranoic. But in no way I am going to let him insult me or treat …
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