better !

As I started the week and got into the routine again it made me feel better. I went to classes, worked out, ate, everything was better today.

In the afternoon I was worried that Anna (a girl from Panama) is not feeling very well, cause she feels a little bit lonely, so I invited her for a coffee, we talked for 2 hours and we talked about many things including relationships.. While we were talking she was refering to my ex, and she said.. “and what did she.. ?”, I interrupted and said “he”. It was fun cause the flow of the conversation was never interrupted, hehehe… It’s the second person in the University I come out to.

Yesterday Jon (my great friend from Miami) told me that his boyfriend might probably have pancreatic cancer. That sent me over the edge, and I started crying, I cried for a while and then fell to sleep.. I needed it

Today everything went well, I finished all the tasks I was s

Today everything went well, I finished all the tasks I was supposed to do today. Well, almost everything, I couldn’t go to the Japanese course, because I misjudged time, and I when I called to registrer for the course it was already 6pm, although I didn’t knew they would close at that time. I was able to ship my boots so I can get a bigger size, I did well in my SA&D exam, and I got the grade from the LEIB exam I got an 86, it was quite good I think.

It’s already late, I kinda postponed making my Leadership assignment until the last minute but I think it ended up alright. Today I also made an appointment with my 2nd psycologist, hehehe.. I’m becoming a case study.

I went to the “mind doctor” today, among the several things

I went to the “mind doctor” today, among the several things we talked about was Luis Antonio. I was impressed when she noticed how my expression changed when we started talking about him, he eagerly expressed that I might need to express my feelings towards him. Although I know that I will not get much feedback from him I might do that the next time he talks to me. She also made me somehow unconfortable when we were talking about my parents, and also the way I tend to escape from people, like when I went to Newport a few days ago.

My ear infection is getting better. At least under the Ibopufren it doesn’t hurt any more. I haven’t worked hard enough on my homework, I feel like I’m falling behind on some assignments I have due to wednesday and thursday.

Lately I’ve been really into anthropomorphic, especially felines. I never knew that I liked them so much, I even won an auction for my beautiful Maneki Neko ( 招き猫 ).I’ll post a picture somewhere to share it with the world.

This guy from NYC is kinda nice… cupid is his nick… supposedly he lives on the 72nd W. street in Manhattan.

I’ve been looking at several sites that includes pictures like foxxfire for example. It’s always soo cool to find new things that are so interesting and you never were aware they existed.

12:01 PM A few days has passed since I last wrote here, thin

12:01 PM
A few days has passed since I last wrote here, things have been going good enough, although last week there were few days when things didn’t went as good as I would have liked them to be.

On Friday I went to Newport by myself, a beautiful harbour city, there were boats and yatches everywhere. I rented a moped and drive around for 3 hours all around the city. First time I’ve driven a motorcycle so much. I enjoyed the experience very much, It felt free and again like that Luis that can do everything he wants by himself. I bought clothes at GAP, I bought a present for my roomate, I ate a wonderful pastrami with melted mozzarella sandwich at a nice deli.

4:00 PM
For the last couple of days I’ve been talking a lot with Kumashy, he’s ‘s boyfriend. A very nice guy indeed, he seems to love Antonio very much. It’s very weird when I can see a relationship from the outside, and I can see somehow how they talk about each other, and it’s so nice to see that they love each other soo much. But also it’s hard to see how they don’t quite trust each other 100%, and they don’t realize both of them are on the same boat and that both of them want to love fully…

8:00 PM
I think somehow Antonio is making some of the mistakes I’ve made in the past, not to say that noone makes mistakes, we’re not perfect. But he still, like me, doesn’t know very well how to manage his time, and ends up spending too much time on other things. I do regret spending too much time in front of the computer when I could’ve been loving and kissing my ex boyfriend.

Also I think like exactly as for me things have been too easy for , he has been quite pampered all his live and has not fully realized that whatever he does right now for himself, is the path he will be constructing for his future.

the good and the bad

Today I had 2 exams, I that I knew of and another one that I didn’t knew about. I don’t know if it’s because it was a surprise exam or it was because I didn’t knew there was going to be one. Well, on the first exam I did well, but on the second one I did kinda badly. My memory sucks, and if I’m gonna have to rely on memory for exams I’m better of finding an alternate strategy.