
Originally uploaded by mercurytoxic.

Soo.. the other day Paul invited me to Jakarta, an Indonesian restaurant in New Farm, QLD. After waiting for like 10 minutes, because I arrived too early, he got there. I had bought a bottle of some riestling wine that the clerk at a liquor store, right next door, suggested me.

So we sat down and he mentioned he was going to call Greg to come over. It was interesting to see him again. I let Paul order, food was nothing too surprising, but interesting nonetheless.

Gado-gado from the photo, is the veggie salad with peanut sauce and prawn crackers on top. Since I’m not partial to sweet flavours and most of the Indonesian food has plenty of sweetness to it, or so it seems, I’m not the best one to talk about this dish, but it was okay. I wouldn’t order it again though, maybe because it’s just so simple. Veggies and what not tossed together and some sauce on top. The rest of the dishes were as or more simple than this one.

Paul had to go and left me with Greg. We ended up walking around New Farm area, going to the Story Bridge so I could take a few photos. I ended up going to his apartment, had a couple glasses of water and then he drove me to my car. *shrugs* Wow.. this post is so boring.. I think I wanna puke

Crumpler’s 5 Million Dollar Home

I guess the time came when I finally got a camera bag. After reading some reviews and debating on Kata’s or Crumpler’s my creative side prevailed and I opted for a Crumpler’s 5 Million Dollar Home.

I drove to Brisbane’s CBD shortly after noon and after spending like 2 hours trying all bags and also insulting the Crumpler’s brand manager for Queensland (I tried to tell her that some reviews online that i read, said that the 4 Million Dollar Home bag looks like a purse). I decided on the 5MDH, and so far I like it. Very roomy, and not too big for daily bag. I can fit all what I’ve been carrying around lately.

Canon EOS 400D with 18-55mm kit lens
Sigma 70-300mm DG Macro + Hood
HP iPAQ Pocket PC 4350
Wintec G Rays 2 WBT-201
Lens caps for everyone
Motorola Razr V3
and of course Robo Bob.

With Room for spare for more stuff that hopefully I won’t be collecting.


Originally uploaded by mercurytoxic.

Well, this was sorta my official first outing with my camera. I guess I haven’t wrote about it, but I got a Canon EOS 400D/Rebel XTi. I’ve been wanting to have a camera for a few years, at least 4, and well, I saw opportunity and got it.

Paul invited me to cook together today, he’s an indonesian friend a met thru Luke. He’s cute and he’s friendly, we also share similar interests, cooking and photography. Along came one of Paul friends whom I first met today. His name is Edward, he’s from Hong Kong. I first thought he was 17 years old, just because of the way he dressed and acted, totally non pretentious and laid back. Which is not very common in gay world.

We took a lot of photos in Chinatown, downtown Brisbane, there was a group of people performing for some festival, this was one of them dressed in a costume portraying a sorta santa claus-like character who brings gifts for the children, I feel ignorant because I have no clue what his name was.

After that we went briefly to some very nice markets in James street and came back home to cook. They cooked prawn and pork dumplings, and I made two sauces to go with them, Alfredo and salami rendered Marinara. Everything went nice, and they were very reassuring about my cooking. I think it’s something to do with asians that is customary to praise people a lot, either that or I’m a good cook. =D

It was very interesting to see how relaxed they felt at my place. They kicked off their shoes and were laying on my bed and seems they felt pretty much at home, like if they’ve been my friends for a long time.

Paul mentioned that Eddy liked me. Wonder what should I do with that.