Mental Health Pathology of the day !

Passive-aggressive behaviorFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia(Redirected from Passive aggressive)Jump to: navigation, searchPassive-aggressive behavior refers to passive, sometimes obstructionist resistance to authoritative instructions in interpersonal or occupational situations. Sometimes a method of dealing with stress or frustration, it results in the person attacking other people in subtle, indirect, and seemingly passive ways. It can manifest itself …


Don’t feel well. My throat hurts, like I had my whole life stuck in there and was too dry to swallow. I am miserable. To kill or to die. It’s my last chance of survival. I am going to do it. I will kill. Kill them all. Hope is gone, nothing is left for me …

Wow on Gentoo

Wow on Gentoo Originally uploaded by mercurytoxic. Wow.. after a couple days of hard work finally I got it working. Wow in linux. I need wine+cedega to be able to install and run. Also I needed to path the 0.9.13 install of wine to fix some mouse issues. So cool.


Well, with the arrival of the new hard drive (WD2500KS 250GB) I’ve made tons of space to install lots and lots of stuff. I’ve been working with Gentoo the past few days and it’s been a breeze, asides from the ATI drivers which since are closed source from ATI (and spend half the time broken …