
I keep forgetting how cool is Linux. Been feeling very well lately. I think i feel less pressured for stuff and that makes me feel a lot more relaxed. I enjoy being able to do what the fuck I want when the fuck I want. But don’t we all. Sadly few can.

Had a nice coversation with Peter and Belen, in two different windows and not at the same time. Maybe it’s because I feel chatty. Maybe because I love my new keyboard. It’s so easy to type in, and so silent. It was $19 and it’s one of the coolest things I bought for the pc. LOL. Well not really, but it’s where my hands are when they’re not on my cock.

Been thinking a lot about the best approach to the new stage in my life. Of course I need to work, for that I need to get the degree and for that I need to finally hand in that project. That is if I want to work in IT. I could study something else I don’t know much about (not that I knew plenty of IT, but I’m confident I’m good at problem solving and I can tackle anything) like psychology or therapy and try doing that, but I’m not kin on spending money in tuition when in a couple years I would get governement subsidy for the same tuition. I could also work in a kitchen somewhere, although I like to cook, and cooking professionally is stressfuly furfilling, I want something to challenge me mentally more. I need to keep getting mental stimuli. So, I guess goes back to IT. Okay. Coolios.

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