Archerfield Speed Karts

Archerfield Speed Karts
Originally uploaded by mercurytoxic.

For the past couple of weeks I’ve been going out socially more on my own. Paul has been inviting me to his friends gatherings, and I guess that I’m not used to cause quite a stir in some people. A few people have “liked” me and well, I haven’t liked them back that way.

I mean, I’m not sure what would I do if the man of my dreams came down stumbling down the staircase. At this point in my life I have other priorities than to get intertwined with someone that will make my life much more complex. I’m sure I would love the attention and god knows I would love the never ending love making and closeness.

The very first thing that comes to my mind when I imagine myself getting involved with someone is that I have responsibilities in the relationship I am in with and I definitely don’t want to mess it up.

Another interesting perspective from where I look at the whole people liking me thing is the value I give to it. Maybe it’s totally stupid but for me beauty and coolness are two important factors, yah, I’m shallow.. or maybe I’m not.. I mean, aren’t those the primal impressions you get from people right after you meet them? Oh well, back to what I was saying, if the person doesn’t rank high up those two factors then the value I give it is low and hence the self esteem boost I get from it.

Archerfield Speed Karts
Originally uploaded by mercurytoxic.

What about things in common, well, you know.. for starters I need a few good things in common with the person… Oh god, I think this post is going on the wrong direction, or maybe I’m just being honest with myself.

Oh, well.. this is an sms a received a few days ago and I’m still trying to figure out how to reply to:

“Glad you enjoyed the night. The mess was fine. Hmmm can I ask a question – I want to be up front I really like you and would like to get to know you more! My world has been tossed around since meeting you, both in what I see in you, your travel and also the way I feel a strong connection. Now that maybe just good friends, not sure. I am still trying to work it out. Now in saying all this I know it puts you on the spot, sorry! I like to be up front. Whatever your answer maybe i hope we can be friends. If nothing else meeting you is a very major event in my life and I thank you for that. If you want to chat about any of that let me know. Take care, Greg. :-)”

Got any ideas ?

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