
Damn.. I was writing about what I did today and my computer gave me a BSOD.

This morning I was troubleshooting my aDSL, task that I was doing since last night. I ended up clearing all TCP registry entries with “netsh interface ip reset resetlog.txt” .. I got a lil bit frustrated about the speed of my connection so I decided to test it with my DSL It was spiky as well.

So I just decided to fuck everything, and ended up playing with DSL in my main lappy. I figured how to get apt-get to run.

apt-get update

I modified the /etc/apt/sources.list to be able to download testing packages.
and I installed the latest testing GAIM version

apt-get install gaim/testing

Also I’ve been posting to this thread about the speed of my ISP.

Chris messaged me a lot today, I was most of the day offline though.. cause of all of the testing so he SMSed me.

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