Love Thyself

from my ex-ex boyfriend…

[02:54] -> Pizzaman <-: i have a problem [02:55] -> Pizzaman <-: i don't like people my own age [02:55] -> Pizzaman <-: i think they look old and used [02:55] ╠ﮒcaҜ╣◘ evil³: lol [02:55] ╠ﮒcaҜ╣◘ evil³: I have the same problem [02:56] ╠ﮒcaҜ╣◘ evil³: ::p [02:56] ╠ﮒcaҜ╣◘ evil³: reason why I'm not with you [02:56] -> Pizzaman <-: 🙁 what a self esteem booster, don't you think ?


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