To get both sd cards working I needed to add a file to /etc/modprobe.d/sd-card.conf with “options sdhci debug_quirks=1” in it and also modify /boot/grub/menu.lst so “# defoptions=quiet splash pciehp.pciehp_force=1 pciehp.pciehp_poll_mode=1” is in it.
Well, the intel drivers 2.6 were not the ones who caused the improvement on the FPS in glxgears, so must have been the new kernel instead. xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.7.1 pizzaman@monsterxx8:~$ glxgears 712 frames in 5.0 seconds = 142.184 FPS 3312 frames in 5.0 seconds = 662.324 FPS 3690 frames in 5.0 seconds = 737.900 FPS 3868 …
Read More “Acer Aspire One Ubuntu xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.7.1”
Well. Adding the optimized kernel gave a marginal increase in the video performace, but I just got a major jump in FPS: pizzaman@monsterxx8:~$ glxgears 1978 frames in 5.0 seconds = 395.584 FPS 3534 frames in 5.0 seconds = 706.792 FPS 3707 frames in 5.0 seconds = 741.368 FPS 3673 frames in 5.0 seconds = 734.490 …
Read More “Acer Aspire One with optimized kernel and xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.6.3”
Well, I had several options to improve performance for the AAO. I realized one of the drawbacks with Ubuntu, specially in underpowered systems is the bloated kernel which is compiled in a general way for any system that might use it. This lack optimization, I’m sure, it’s a major contributor to the sluggishness of the …
Read More “Acer Aspire one 2.6.31-rc7 Kernel”
Been doing some benchmarking with glxgears ( I know it’s a no no). Trying to lower the CPU usage of xorg which currently it at up to around 30% at some times just updating $top. I’m starting with : xserver-xorg-video-intel 2:2.7.1-0ubuntu1~xup~1 Running on an unmaximized window. pizzaman@monsterxx8:~$ glxgears get fences failed: -1 param: 6, val: …
Read More “glxgears in Acer Aspire One UNR with xserver-xorg-video-intel 2.7.1”
Reminder for * before a link stops from shortening it.
Added the latest drivers for intel chipsets to see if I gain any performance improvement. Source for the drivers . Reference
This is a message to remind myself of the different ways of posting thru To post a blog -> @b Title^Body, microblog -> @m and status @s. Then to post to the different services @lj for livejournal, @id for, @fl for flickr, etc.
Acer Aspire One : Wireless with Ubuntu. After a while trying to figure out why the wireless seemed to be not realiable with the athk5 drivers (will get disabled and greyed out in network manager after using kismet for example and wouldn’t come back even after a reboot). I found this comment from the developers …
Read More “Acer Aspire One : Wireless with Ubuntu. After a while trying”
Finished installing gpsdrive + kismet + postgresql + mysql + openstreetmaps + mapnik to get a database of scanned AP’s. Had a few problems with access to mysql and also the connection between kismet and postgresql to access the openstreemaps database, it still doesn’t load correctly at first until you add and remove the check …
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