Acer Aspire One : Wireless with Ubuntu. After a while trying

Acer Aspire One : Wireless with Ubuntu. After a while trying to figure out why the wireless seemed to be not realiable with the athk5 drivers (will get disabled and greyed out in network manager after using kismet for example and wouldn’t come back even after a reboot). I found this comment from the developers of the acer_wmi drivers : “NOTE: The Acer Aspire One is not supported hardware. It cannot work with acer-wmi until Acer fix their ACPI-WMI implementation on them, so has been blacklisted until that happens.” ( The solution was simply to remove the driver with “sudo rmmod acer_wmi” and then adding it to the blacklisted modules on /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist-wifi.conf. That fixed the greyed out wireless connection in network manager and also fixed the wireless led.

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Finished installing gpsdrive + kismet + postgresql + mysql + openstreetmaps + mapnik to get a database of scanned AP’s. Had a few problems with access to mysql and also the connection between kismet and postgresql to access the openstreemaps database, it still doesn’t load correctly at first until you add and remove the check marks of mapnik a couple times.