been going to bed really early the jet lag is killing me.
been going to bed really early the jet lag is killing me.
been going to bed really early the jet lag is killing me.
Just woke up at 1:15 am Melbourne time, in the middle of an unknown room, in a new city in a country on the other side of the world.
Right now i am at the lax airport waiting until the flight to melbourne boards, and OMG I’m soo tired, in Miami now it’s 1:44 am, and I will try to keep myself awake until mid flight so hopefully i’ll minimize jet lag and i’ll be able to happily search for apartments after promptly after …
Damn… I peed my pants in the Miami security check point, these guys were going thru my bags when one of them pulled my hideo wakamatsu bag, opened it, pulled out one of the 4 cd folders that were in it, and proceeded to read the labels of the cds. Of course smart as I …
Finally the Australian visa arrived today. I’m all set for Australia. Although still have some minor packing to do and make a couple reservations here and there.
well, I got a new toy. it’s a Compaq Ipaq 4355. Very coo!, ways above my old palm. Has intergrated wireless and bluetooth. And of course I can update my LJ from it. I’m gonna use it in Melbourne with a bluetooth GPS that I got so I won’t get lost.
Amen Brain System Checklist © The results of your ADD Checklist are printed below. Click on “more info” for more information pertaining to a particular subtype. Type Probability ADD Combined Type Not Probable more info ADD Inattentive Type Highly Probable more info Cingulate System Hyperactivity Probable more info Limbic System Hyperactivity Highly Probable more …
Thanks to some one who has been relaying information to my bitchy mother, I decided from now on to make my LJ friends only.
What I’ve been doing lately?.. Well.. let’s see.. .- Playing Knight Online .- Worrying about the fact that I haven’t completed my project yet. .- Worrying that I haven’t done much regarding to the Australian Immigration
Today Ravi is arriving, it’s this guy from Trinidad whom I don’t know much. He’s a friend of Pony (an Internet friend) and we’ve chatted a few times and we decided it would be cool for him to come and stay over for a few days. It will be nice to have someone around for …