Went out

Finally went to pick up my passport. If I could get excited about things, this is something I would get excited about. Among all people that could’ve gone with me to pick it up, guess who went, René. Yeah, althought other people knew I needed to go they never offered to.

Was an interesting trip. I get along pretty well with him, sadly he’s too young (19) and not my type at all. Funny thing is that he has hinted about getting together and stuff. I had fun though, after picking up the passport we went to El Recreo Mall, and went to a bunch of stores looking at clothing, had lunch (sushi) and then walked all the way to El Sambil Mall and did another dose of window shopping. We ended up eating cinnamon rolls and then walking to Plaza Altamira and sitting on benches and talking until it was late at night.

Been thinking too much.

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