Last night I sucked cock!

Last night was cool. Nathan came over, we talked for a while, I think it’s one of the nicest talks we’ve had since we’ve been hanging together. We were drinking vodka that he brought, he talked about his past, he’s not much of a talker though, at least not when it comes to personal things.

I REALLY don’t like to drink anymore, I feel so crappy afterwards, also I don’t like to feel like I’m not in control of the situation, I think I might try pot or something, maybe it’s a better recreational drug than alcohol. Although it doesn’t excite me at all, my brain is fucked up enough without the need of any depressants.

After being here for a while, he had to go to his work. Later I found out it was to pick up some pot. On the way there he did some pot, and his mood made a drastic change, interestingly his mood was elevated and he became all cheerful. I bought some popcorn chicken from KFC and we came back home. On the way home there was this abandoned desk on the street, he wanted to pick it up and bring it here, so he could take it to his place tomorrow, but he was laughing too hard, and suddenly heard a noise and ran away.

We came back home and started watching The Frighteners (with Michael J. Fox) again, and we started to fool around. Rubbing our crotches and stuff, was cool, after a while he prompted to shut off the screen, that was the queue for major sex, which ended being oral, and OMG, I haven’t done oral sex in a while, I forgot how much I like to suck cock, and it’s not just any cock, it’s from a person that somehow I know a little about and we seem to be having a growing friendship, which is cool, despite the intricacies of human nature.

Today I feel crappy because of the alcohol.


  1. I’m glade you had fun last night and that you got some. Sucking dick can be fun when your just entering into a new friendship and you know it might become something more.

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