So .. let’s see what I’ve done

So .. let’s see what I’ve done

  • I successfully searched for auto insurance, hopefully will be like only $100 a month..
  • Called continental and added the mileage for the flight from NYC to Tokyo
  • Paid for he laptop and I’m awaiting the clearing of the payment, the assembly, shipment and arrival
  • Bought wellbutrin online for only $89 (plus free multivitamins & free shipment)
  • Got the hair analysis kit mailed
  • I’m downloading exchange to get it installed and learn all I can about it.

well.. today was a good day .. went to the beach and had an

well.. today was a good day .. went to the beach and had an incredible time playing with the dogs. I ordered the laptop already, so, i think i’ll get it by the 1st week of november, earlier if I’m lucky.

Also, I got a call from, they are a staffing company, they said that they wanted me for a position doing technical support in Irving, TX. It’s doing support for Windows 2000 and exchange, which does not sound that bad. So I told them I’ll brush my skills with exchange and to call me in two weeks.

Wow.. i really need to get my new lappy.. this one is so slow.