I think I have a throat infection or something, I’ve been taking antibiotics for a week now.. and the throat feels better, but i feel really blue. I think that happens when i take antibiotics.
Day: September 9, 2003
Just saw the 4th episode of the second season of QAF, i cried, laughted, and felt many different emotions. I loved when Brian asked Justin to dance..
Hey Stud, wanna dance ?
yeah, sure
Brian grabs justin and pulls him close
I’ll make sure you don’t forget this one
Awww that was so wonderful, I was crying..
Can’t wait until I find my immensely loved bf and arrives to my heart so we can dance together.
White Party
Chatting with my interesting ex-boyfriend, he informed me about a white party in miami, in november…
It’s good to know what are the important things in his life.
But nevertheless, sounds kewl.. and some of the parties are REALLY close to where I am staying now.. though that will be in december, and I’m surely not going to be here at that time. Well, we’ll see..
Things I want to do .. Get a job in the information securi
Things I want to do ..
Get a job in the information security field maybe computer forensics
Get a place of my own that has lots of privacy, and it’s nice and comfy and has a pool
Get a car – hopefully a Rav4 or any other car that i like
Learn how to surf
Learn a lot more about information security
Cook more
Get a new computer
Play some of the latest computer games
Go to a rave
Go to a gay disco in South Beach
Maybe get a bf at some point in my life
Live in San Francisco
Live in the country in Italy, France or Spain
Have a nice kitchen with the basic tools
live close to a great market where i can buy stuff from all over the world
search the true meaning of life and find religion
.. I’ll continue to add to this as time goes by