hey there

Oh.. and by the way.. I finished classes today, handed in all my projects, did the presentations. I’m a graduated man. Academically speaking, i still have to finish my co-op thinghy.

Talking about that, today, the co-op girl woke me up at 8:30 am and told me that she did talked with Mr. Manager from Japanese hotel and he apologized and said that he was going to send the paperwork and plane ticket this week.


Just like when some people, when they get a lot of money, go

Just like when some people, when they get a lot of money, go out and spend it all on stupid things and end up broke and living on the street, the same thing happens with love. Love is an asset and when you get it, must be wisely administered, if you go crazy demanding things or expecting impossibles and you will go loverupt.

just my 2 cents.


It’s a go. I don’t have the plane ticket in my hand YET. But the girl from the co-op office spoke with the manager from the hotel in narita, and he apologized and said he’s gonna send the plane ticket as soon as possible.

Yay !

Now.. Do I really want to go ?
