フォック ユー

I knew this was going to happen, that’s why I’d rather have no one read my journal. I hate when people criticize my intimate things. They have no right. I know that this journal is a public thing, and I’m bound to keep it that way. But I rather have it read by people who don’t really know me enough to know how to hurt me .

I’m not trying to fake anything. I’m not trying to show anything I am not. I’m just trying to be me and be able to share with MYSELF and any others who are willing to make a contribution to my life.

Now, every time I open my LJ I will think twice about the things I’m going to write, cause I know, out there, there will be people who will criticize it, and I don’t want to let them hurt me any more.

I could try writing my diary in katakana… 🙂

アイ ニウ ヂス グアス ゴイング ツ ハペヌ、 ダヅス グアイ アイヅ ラデル ジャヴ ノ グアヌ リヅ マイ ジョウルナル。

アイ クルヅ ゲッツ プリチ ファスツ アッツ ヂッス。 ハ ハ ハ ハ


  1. Unfortunately, as I’m using the computers on campus, there’s no IM or java chat that I can use. I have discovered one website with a chat I can use (http://www.gay-chat.co.uk/) if you want to meet up on there, give me a time and I’ll let you know (remember that I’m on GMT).

  2. Hehehe, i have my LJ title in katakana…as my name. hehehe. thing is…i don’t know how to really read katakana because i somewhat forgot…now, only if we could type in hiragana…that would be awesome. lol. actualy, come to think of it, i think we can! MWAHAHA!!!!

    ~ アンジェロー

    p.s. i feel sorry for the people who dont have japanese support on their comps…because all they can see is ‘[][][][][]…[][][]. [][][][]?’ hehehehe, they need to get the japanese IME settings…NOW! lol

    ~ アンジェロー

  3. You know dear, you don’t need to read it on chinesse, nor katakana, nor any other language available…you can filter things, or even block users [read the faq at the semagic]

    Also, I could delete you as a friend so when the friends page loads up, I won’t read your journal. Problem solved [different than you, that spend years lamenting or weeping over shit and never do something about it]

    If you’re going to take the ANAL approach to our conversation last night, then by all means do so. I’m tired of guilt trips, I’m tired of people telling me what and how to say stuff. A friendship is like a ride in a car, if you don’t like it, get off it. Cause I’m not going to tell you all the sweet things you want to hear, I’m also going to slap you with reality when I have to, if that’s too much to handle for you, then we have solutions. I delete you from my msn, I block your journal and block you out of mine, and we simply loose touch. How about that? Can be done easily…

    If you want someone there to say what you want to hear, talk to the mirror sweetie, and I ain’t one.

    P.S: If you want a private journal I recommend a notebook and keep it hidden, but if you came to a massive online service, people will run across your journal every now and then…I also have 10 spare codes, want another? change the name, and don’t tell anyone.

    Problems, have a solution most of the time. Just need to find it.


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