Was I depressed yesterday ?… cause today I am too.. I feel sick.. I hate this feeling wish it would go away. I feel like crying, but I don’t know what to cry about. Tomorrow I’m going to my weekly meeting with my shrink. She’s kewl. She doesn’t know me that much, it would take a LONG time for she to know me well enough.
I’m gonna miss her when I’m in Japan.
Can’t even sleep as well as I used to .. It’s too unconfy here (roomy issues).. Hope I get a nice place were to stay while I am in Japan. If not, it will suck. It doesn’t have to be a huge place, I just want privacy.
My heart aches, can’t breath well.. I feel dizzy and my throat hurts, i feel like about to cry, but the tears don’t come out. Damn I don’t like this feeling at all, *sigh*.. and I have to carry this shit everywhere I go…