Boston Day

Went to Boston today, It was fun. Skated all over the place, went to Quincy Market twice, to chinatown a few times and overall had some fun. Drank an iced tea and a liter of water. Ate at McD, one filet-o-fish, one double cheeseburger and one McChicken. Ate a cream cheese brownie (don’t ask) that was good.

Also visited some of the places I visited with Luis Antonio while we were there. Wow.. I saw this CUTE kids, to young for my age though… they must’ve been like 13.

Wasn’t able to do anything with the Japan Visa, cause I needed some extra documents, I’ll get them this week.

I just woke up, I’ve been dreaming all night about Luis Anto

I just woke up, I’ve been dreaming all night about Luis Antonio, as if he was here and we were talking about him and his life. It hurted me freaming about talking about sex. He was telling me about who he was sex with and wether he likes it or not. Geee, I need to get over this, but I’m not sure if I want. 🙁

well, there is no other alternative anyways.