Someone told me that he has been having an active sex life a

Someone told me that he has been having an active sex life and that made me feel weird. Don’t know exactly what, I guess it’s a mixture of jealousy and thinking that I’m not letting myself enjoy promiscuous sex in it full joy and splendor.


Now images of my ex race thru my mind, like slashes of a sword, really fast and painful, and I’m not even depressed, I’m just as usual.

Gee.. I never thought I was a nut case.

on a lighter note.. dunno if I already wrote about this but.. seems like the guy from the japanese internship (co-op) still has the opportunity open and my resume was forwarded to him. So, probably this week I’ll found out if he wants is interested or not. I will love to go, that way it’ll let me run away to a very different place… , and also learn from another culture. I’m sad I won’t have a shrink there, and well..

Finally went this afternoon to India restaurant, very close

Finally went this afternoon to India restaurant, very close to the dorm where I live. It was sunday brunch and it was good. I had many goodies which I don’t really care to remmember now, but the whole point in writing this shit it to talk about what the fuck I did and not about the fucking ingredients of the stupid meal.

I ate so much I had to come back to the dorm and lay on bed for the rest of the day. I also had a Taj Mahal beer, which is from India an it’s pretty good. I went to the restaurant with my korean roomy, he’s kinda nice.