I’m having a wonderful time so far,it’s been about a day sin

I’m having a wonderful time so far,it’s been about a day since I’ve been @ J&T’s home and they’ve been very sweet with me. Darwing and Quillian are pretty nice to me too, they like to lick me a lot. It’s funny how Darwin loves to have balls in his mouth all the time.

Everything has been great so far.

From here to there

9:48 a.m.

On the plane, flying from Providence to Pittsburgh, dressed in black pants, grey ribbed turtle neck sweater, black leather boots and a grey wool jacket. Drinking my usual tomato juice, and thinking about how lucky I am to have enjoyed so many things in my life, really enjoyed, really cherished and really experienced.

Lately I’ve been playing with databases a lot, a week ago I didn’t knew what SQL meant besides that it was some sort of database thinghy. Now I have my own MySQL database server installed in my laptop along with another server on www.freesql.org, I guess that since the concentration in my major is going to be databases, at least I should know what’s all that about. BTW. yesterday I kinda felt proud when Prof. Russo told me that I’m one of the best students in his class, and that he would give me extra credit if I show him how to replicate a database.

Haven’t been writing a lot, but I guess sometimes I feel like there aren’t new things going on in my life, although I’ve done plenty of new things lately, I’ve been to the mall quite some times and I’ve also ate sushi with Delia a few days ago.

Right after I go back from the break I’ll have to be more energetic about my co-op development and get everything ready so I don’t have to worry about that.

I’ve been having a cold for the last few days, It’s worrying

I’ve been having a cold for the last few days, It’s worrying me because I don’t want to go to J & T’s house with a cold. I’m pretty excited I am going there for vacation, and although I can’t assure that everything is going to be fine, I’m really hoping I will have a great time and deepen the friendships I’ve already grown with Jon & Tyler.

Sometimes when I say things like I’m excited about something, or that I react enthusiasticly about something, although in my brain I wish that reaction will show for the outside world to see, it doesnt. Usually my physicall expression is, well.. not very expressive.

Today, most of the day I stayed indoors, playing with my pc.

Today, most of the day I stayed indoors, playing with my pc. In the evening I watched a movie I dowloaded a few weeks ago called “My big fat greek wedding”, after that James (my new roomate) was bored and we decided to go to the movies, we ended up watching “Empire” and “Analyze That”. I’m not feeling completely well because I going thru a cold and also I have this big pimple on my face.

I’ve never too sure about anything, so it’s not like if I wa

I’ve never too sure about anything, so it’s not like if I was counting 100% on the co-op opportunity in the Radisson @ Tokyo, but thanks to that it made me rethink that there might be thousands of good opportunities out there. For example I was looking at the www.nvidia.com website and there is quite some information about co-op opportunities. I should start making a list of what, where and when.

Co-Op Opportunity

It’s been a tough couple of weeks, I haven’t been feeling at my best, but I just woke up with more hope and with a better mood.

I had good news to share. A few weeks ago I went to an OPT (Optional Practical training, 1 year of work training that international students might apply to do) meeting in there I met this nice lady, she is from the Co-op (paid internships) office, when I first met her, I briefly told her about my plans and the fact that I was studying japanese, and I would like to go to Japan for my Co-op or maybe after my OPT.She was very excited about the idea and I happened to meet her a couple hours later where she told me that she was actively searching for my international opportunity.

A fews weeks passed and a couple of days ago I met her again by chance and briefly told her that I’ve sent my application for the Co-op a few weeks ago and it hasn’t been reviewed yet. I waited a couple of days and went to visit her, and she told me about this opportunity for working at the IT department of the Radisson hotel in Tokyo, I think it’s the Radisson Hotel Narita Airport 「ラディソンホテル成田エアポート」. I’m pretty excited about it.