I just came back from my therapist. I was telling her about

I just came back from my therapist. I was telling her about what has happened over the week and among many others one of the things that we talked about was ‘s evil LJ post.Talking about it was very enlighting because it made me realize that I don’t let myself feel. She really tried to focused on what I felt when I read the post, but I stuttered and nothing came to my mind, it was like I didn’t felt anything, it was more like I just blocked my feelings when I read it and just analyzed it’s content and made an opinion based on facts and not on feelings. This is something that is good because that’s they way I’ve grown up, and I’ve learned how to deal with feeling but also it’s pretty bad, because even though I don’t get hurt (usually), I don’t enjoy happiness either.

From now on I will try to focus more on what I feel, and I’ll try to write more about what I feel instead of analysis of the facts. Feeling is good !