Things seem to haven’t changed at all since I told my Dimitr

Things seem to haven’t changed at all since I told my Dimitris (my roommate) about my gayness. I had my first exam today, although I didn’t studied as much as I would’ve liked I think I did okay enough, I paid attention in class and since there wasn’t that much information to hold and not that much amount of time has passed I think I did remembered most of the stuff that I was supposed to. I need to set up a better schedule for all the things I have to do. I’ve been jacking off too much the last couple of days 🙂 .. Mainly because I’ve been looking at lots of furry animal pictures that a friend sent me.

Yesterday I told my roomate that a I am gay. We were talking

Yesterday I told my roomate that a I am gay. We were talking about socializing and trying to get to do more things, and I just felt like telling him and I said “You know that I am gay, right?”. To which he responded nicely, he said he didn’t had a clue (it’s cool so I’m not obvious), and he was briefly shocked… but he had no problem with it.