Wow… Peter’s aggresivity today was completely out of proportion. I understand that probably I made a mistake telling him that his ex told me something I can’t tell him. I understand that might have made him be extremely confused and paranoic. But in no way I am going to let him insult me or treat me without respect.
All this makes me wonder, am I irrational and insultive when I go beserk?. Am I a person who you can’t talk to ? Am I completely irrational when I get angry ? Do I make a situation less serious because I make fun of what people say in order to remove value from their opinions?
Today I acted very mature in our conversation. I explained my point of view, telling him that I was aware that I’ve made a mistake. But I deserved respect and consideration, and in no way I was going to let him treat me like an animal.
This is something I should always remember “suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem”.
While I was chatting with Peter, I made some comments about the things I deserve from my friends/relationships. This is a work in progress, I guess.
[17:20] -> Pizzaman <-: #1 Necesito respeto de mis decisiones, opiniones y acciones. Espero consejo más no obligación.
[17:21] -> Pizzaman <-: #2 Necesito respeto a las personas que me rodeen. Que te caigan mal no quiere decir que son pajudos o pajudas.
[17:22] -> Pizzaman <-: #3 Necesito respeto hacia mi persona. El uso de palabras como Mama(X) o hijo de (X). Es un abuso de confianza, y degeneran en un envenenamiento de la relación.
[17:23] -> Pizzaman <-: #3a También el Coño de (X) se incluye en el articulo anterior.
[17:24] -> Pizzaman <-: #4 Te brindo mi apoyo y amistad, y trataré de ser fiel a los principios que consideron se en los cuales se basa una amistad del tipo : mejor amigo . Numero 1 en la escala de amistades de Luisito.
[17:25] -> Pizzaman <-: #5 No espero nada a cambio de brindarte mi amistad. El solo verte feliz, me llena el corazón y el espiritú de gozo y regocijo.
[17:27] -> Pizzaman <-: #6 Los niveles de amistad que te brindo son basados en los niveles de amistad de Luisito, y solamente en ellos, los cuales son producto de años de experimentada amistad y de relaciones diversas con personas de todos los ambitos y rubros de la vida urbana.
As he arrived, he left, somebody called me when we were in the middle of the discussion. And while I was talking on the phone he left. I hope he doesn’t do anything stupid, and I hope he knows I’m his friend. I don’t know whether to run and catch him and give him a hug, or to just wait and let him cool off. I can’t be someone’s friend when that person puts my friendship in jeopardize because a stupid thing.