Great dinner today at a japanese restaurant. Taiko, I felt e

Great dinner today at a japanese restaurant. Taiko, I felt extremely well everytime I had a bite. We had Sashimi, Misoshiru.

Recipe By :
Serving Size : 2 Preparation Time :0:00
Categories : Soups

Amount Measure Ingredient — Preparation Method
——– ———— ——————————–
2 1/2 pt Ichiban Dashi
4 oz Aka Miso Paste
2 1/2 pt Ichiban Dashi
1/2 lb Shiro Miso Paste
2 1/2 pt Ichiban Dashi
4 oz Shiro Miso Paste
4 oz Aka Miso Paste

Place 2 1/2 pt Dashi in a medium sized saucepan and
set a sieve over the pan. Rub in the Miso. Bring the
soup to simmering point over a moderate heat, remove
from heat and add a pinch of MSG. Add a garnish
(Misoshiro No-mi) and serve at once.

I feel awful. Yesterday I spent a long time talking with my

I feel awful. Yesterday I spent a long time talking with my ex-ex’s bf. Later wanted me to give him the log of the conversation. At the end I finally agreed and gave it to him. A while later he called me on the phone and told me he shouldn’t have read the log. I was kinda busy at the moment and I couldn’t really help him.

The rest of the day was spent helping Luis Luis program in Visual Basic.